Jojo Factory


Jojo Factory in a few words

Do you know the “awful jojos”? Sometimes grumpy but adorably malicious children, the Jojo Factory collections are intended to be in their image: full of life and sweetness at the same time.

This Parisian brand offers a range of bags and accessories essential to the life of babies and children.

Why do we love it?

Jojo Factory is the kind of brands that give us a smile. We find collections with colorful and super practical patterns, specially thoughts to facilitate the organization of parents.

Common values

At Jojo Factory, it is the quality that prevails! Both at product levels and partners. The latter are carefully chosen, allowing them to ensure respect for human, ethical and environmental charters.

Plastic has been eliminated from all brand packaging since 2020 and each product is studied to be practical, resistant and environmentally friendly.

3 products